Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Bart the Murderer"

After having a very lousy day of school, Bart accidentally stumbles into `The Legitimate Businessman Social Club', a mobster front. He becomes a bartender, but when he shows up late at work and blames Principal Skinner, Skinner disappears.

Poor Bart. He woke up thinking it was going to be a great day because he had a field trip. Once he got to the breakfast table that morning to find the prize in the cereal had already been taken, his day just goes downhill from there. The dog ate his homework, he missed the bus, it rained his whole walk to school, his pants rip, and on top of everything he forgot his field trip permission slip! Bart was then stuck licking disgusting envelopes with the principal. That day he accidentally gets mixed in with guys from the mob and beings to bartend for them. He thinks its cool and that they are his friends cause they give him money and got him dressed up all nice. When a cigarette truck is high jacked (by the mobsters) they use Bart to store the cigarettes at his home so they didn’t get caught. One day when he is late, the mobsters question him and Bart blamed the principal. The following day at school, the principal goes missing and Bart fears the mob guys killed him. The mob ends up screwing Bart over telling the judge he was the brains behind the whole operation and pinned the whole thing on the poor kid. Low and behold, principal Skinner comes to the trial to tell the real story which was actually funny because he claimed to be stuck under a pile of newspapers and his whole tale was really just very dramatic.


  1. I remember watching this episode, thought it was really good. And the `The Legitimate Businessman Social Club' is probably the best name ever for a mobster club, and with an underage as a bartender. It was also funny that Bart stored the cigarettes in the house, and no one cared about it.

  2. I thought that this was a great episode of the Simpsons. It displayed organized crime in such a hysterical stereotypical way. Even though I thought that this was one of the better episodes that we watched in class I didn't think that it showed any type of prominent message that most episodes watched in class usually do. However watching Bart become a bartender and member of an organized crime group was more than comical.

  3. Ha, this is an old episode. but a good one! I really enjoy the mob-esque characters they have on the simpsons, especially the name of the club: "The Legitimate Businessman Social Club" great episode.

  4. I felt really bad for Bart too! Everything went wrong for him. I thought this was a great episode of the simpsons and taught kids not to get involved with the wrong type of people.
