Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Lemon of Troy"

Marge gives Bart a lecture about town pride after he writes his name in wet cement. Her speech gets to him when the Shelbyvillian kids come and steal the town's beloved lemon tree. Bart, Milhouse, Nelson, Martin, Todd, and Database all head into Shelbyville to get the tree back. When Marge finds out what Bart is up to, she gets their fathers to go to Shelbyville and find them. The boys find the tree, but it's in the car-impound lot being guarded by the Shelbyvillian boys. The fathers get in the fight for the tree when they find the kids. Flanders purposely illegally parks his RV which then gets impounded, and they take back the lemon tree.

This episode’s main theme is community. The lemon tree was such a significant landmark of Springfield and the kids get really fired up after it is pulled from the ground by the bullies in Shelbyville. They try and do a nice thing for not only themselves but the rest of the community by sneaking into the other town in search of the missing tree. It is ironic that in the beginning of the episode, Bart defaces his own town of Spring field by writing his name in the wet cement, yet once Bart uses his disguise and gets in with the opposing group in Shelbyville, he ends up deceiving them and defaces their town by writing, “Springfield Rules Suckers!” which is priding in his town of Springfield. They finally get the tree back, somewhat mangled, but they got it back and the boys saved the day! The kids of Springfield stuck together as did the fathers of Springfield.

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